Art Breathes life into Veterans Day Celebration
Austin Peay has been an amazing partner of USO Fort Campbell and USO Fort Campbell RP/6 since the day we opened the doors. As part of this partnership we seek opportunities to continue to connect our clients with APSU in diverse and meaningful ways. In honor of Veterans Day, USO Fort Campbell RP/6 is proud to support APSU’s :“Showcasing our Veterans” art show for student and faculty veterans. Art can be therapeutic for the artist as well as the viewing public; so by connecting our RP/6 clients to the art show we are connecting them to a therapeutic outlet to support health and wellness. Today’s art breathes life into the lives of the veterans as they use various mediums to share their journey in service. Students at the show were excited to be able to see great art, hear music, share stories and meet local veterans as well as meet our own hometown, Warrior Game’s Medalist and RP/6 Coordinator Thomas Ayers. Health and Wellness are just one pillar in a great action plan for transition. If you or a family Member are within 18 months of your ETS date or 12 months afterward go to register for services and let RP/6 Fort Campbell connect you to your next mission.
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