Entertainment Events

Nashville Predators donate suite for service members to watch the hockey game (March 2024)

Service members attend the Toby Keith Tribute Concert (August 2024)

Broadway musical, Come From Away, performs at Fort Campbell (August 2024)

Meet & Greet with hip hop artist, Master P, at Fort Campbell (May 2022)

Grand Ole Opry Salute the Troops event!
The USO Fort Campbell routinely connects service members and their families to entertainment opportunities! The Facebook page often features ticket giveaways; be sure to follow it so you don’t miss out! www.Facebook.com/USOFortCampbell.
The USO Nashville Center also provides entertainment opportunities, so follow that page, too! www.Facebook.com/USONashville.
Thank you to everyone who donates tickets to support military service members through the USO!
USO Global Entertainment delivers first-class entertainment programming to service members and their families. Partnering with entertainment, gaming, and sports industries, the USO brings celebrities and athletes to military locations worldwide. Through one-of-a-kind, in-person tours and the Military Virtual Programming® (MVP®) series, which provides live celebrity virtual visits, the USO creates meaningful interactions that raise the morale of service members and their families and remind them how much their sacrifice is valued.
Sponsored by
Kroger has been a terrific partner of the USO nationally and locally. The Honoring Our Heroes program supports the mission of the USO throughout the year, thanks to the generosity of Kroger and Kroger customers. In addition, local Kroger stores rout…
GEICO has supported the USO for several years. Locally, we work the GEICO Local Office in Clarksville, Daniel Ingram, Agency Owner. In 2024 GEICO Local office will support the USO Flapjacks and Backpacks, USO Summer with Santa, and more fun USO even…
Austin Peay State University
Austin Peay State University has been a Three Star Sponsor with the USO Fort Campbell and USO Nashville for several years. They support Warrior Wednesdays, the USO Ten Miler, and many of our other events and programs.
Altria has supported the USO Fort Campbell center for several years. We appreciate their generosity!
Stories About This Program
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Information Services
So it’s happened again. You’re the new kid on the block. Sounds like you could use a helping hand and a friendly ear. We’ve got both!
USO Transitions
On the path forward, we’ve got your back.
No one likes being away from family, friends, and traditions for major holidays. That’s why we try to make it easier through special events…
USO at BNA has gaming consoles available for use while you relax at the USO. Check out our Xboxes and PlayStations while you are there!
Youth Programming
Our programs are intended to bring intentional connections to our service members and their families.
Canine Program
Through the USO Canine Program, the valuable connection between humans and dogs is recognized. This program includes therapy dogs, family p…
Coffee Connections
Military spouses don’t wear camouflage uniforms, drive humvees or walk around with a weapon. They don’t deploy overseas, work on the front …
Care Packages
The USO Care Package Program provides service members with essential snack and toiletry items specifically designed to support them during …